Treat me right
We're campaigning for the right treatment at the right time for people with MS, whatever your situation, wherever you live.
People with MS should have fair and equal access to treatments wherever they live. But this isn’t happening. Our award winning campaign plans to change that.
We’re campaigning to make these goals a reality:
- All licensed MS treatments available on the NHS to everyone eligible for them
- Regular reviews of treatment and care by MS specialists for everyone with MS
- Accessible information about treatment options, and support to be equal partners in decision-making, available to all people with MS
Treatment for progressive MS
After 21,000 of us spoke up for ocrelizumab, NICE have approved it to be available on the NHS in England for people with early primary progressive MS.
Read about our ocrelizumab campaign
Is access to treatment still a lottery?
Our research reveals that potentially thousands of people with relapsing forms of MS haven’t seen an MS nurse or neurologist in the last year or more.
Among this group, just 12% are taking a disease modifying therapy (DMT) which could help reduce relapses and slow progression.
Read more about our research into access to treatments
Cannabis and MS
Since the start of Treat Me Right, we've been calling for the licensed cannabis-based treatment Sativex, to be available to eligible people with MS on the NHS. Sativex is now approved in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
While Sativex is approved across the UK, many people with MS are still denied access because their local health body, called a Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is not prescribing it. This urgently needs to change. We’re calling on all CCGs to make Sativex available to people who need it.
Read about our Sativex campaign
Read about our campaigning on cannabis and MS
Treatment for secondary progressive MS
The first oral treatment for secondary progressive MS, siponimod, has been approved by the Scottish Medicine Consortium (SMC) in Scotland.
Siponimod has also been recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in England and Wales. This is a huge step forward in the treatment of secondary progressive MS and the MS community played a big part in making this happen. We expect a decision to follow in Northern Ireland in the coming months.