How to leave a gift in your will
Thank you for thinking of supporting us in this special way. Our work wouldn’t be possible without the gifts we receive from those who have remembered the MS Society so kindly in their will.
We understand that making sure your loved ones are taken care of is your priority when writing your will. But over 40% of our income comes from those who’ve remembered the MS Society in their wills and thanks to support from people like you, we’re getting closer to stopping MS.
It will cost you nothing now but a gift left to the MS Society in your will could transform the lives of those living with MS. Let’s finish the work we’ve started and stop MS together.
Leaving a gift in your will
Leaving a gift in your will to support our future work is very straightforward. All you need to do is ask your solicitor or will-maker to include the wording below that relates to the gift you’d like to include.
Types of gifts in a will
There are different types of gifts you can leave in your will.
- A percentage or share of what’s left in your estate after all other gifts have been made and all debts cleared. For example, you could leave 10% or 1/5 of your Estate to the MS Society. This is known as a residuary gift.
- A lump sum. You might choose to leave a fixed amount of money, such as £100, £1,000 or £10,000. This is known as a pecuniary gift.
- Valuable items. For example, you might leave a house, a piece of jewellery, shares, or a specific bank account. It’s important that the gift is described precisely in your will so that your executors can understand exactly what you intend. This is known as a specific gift.
We're very grateful for any gift you leave to the MS Society. A gift of any size will help us continue our ground breaking research so that we can beat MS and make sure no one has to face MS alone.
When I think we could one day stop MS, I think about waking up refreshed. Going a whole day without pain or fatigue.

How to word your gift
To include a gift to the MS Society in your will, please ask your solicitor to use the following wording:
Residuary Gift “I leave x% of the residue of my estate to the Multiple Sclerosis Society, 8 City North Place, London, N4 3FU, registered charity numbers 1139257 and SC041990.
Cash Gift "I leave the sum of £x to the Multiple Sclerosis Society, 8 City North Place, London, N4 3FU, registered charity numbers 1139257 and SC041990
You can also specify a particular area of our work, or a particular MS Society group, to benefit from your gift. We recommend you contact us first. We can talk you through how best to word your gift to make sure your wishes are delivered.
Please note that the suggested wording above isn't intended to constitute legal advice. For all matters relating to the wording of clauses in your will please speak to your solicitor or will-maker.
Why leave a gift in your will?
A third of our income comes from people like you choosing to leave gifts in their will. Leaving a legacy gift means you can make a positive impact even when you’re gone.
Any money you donate in your will helps us continue our research into finding new treatments and stopping MS. As well as improving the day-to-day lives of people affected by MS.
Contact us
For a confidential chat about how to make a particular gift, please get in touch with Sarah, our Legacy Manager, at [email protected] or 020 8827 0374.
From writing a will to stopping MS… You can take us there.