MS support in Wales

We can help you find practical and emotional support for living with multiple sclerosis (MS) in Wales.   

Gallwn helpu i cyngor ymarferol a chymorth emosiynol am i bobl sy’n byw gyda Sglerosis Ymledol (MS) yng Nghymru.

MS Helpline 

Our national MS Helpline provides emotional support, information and offers a benefits advice service, legal advice and a befriending scheme. 

We use a service called Language Line to support translation and provide support in Welsh.

Our booklets Just diagnosed and What is MS? are available in Welsh.  

Download or order Just diagnosed/Newydd eich diagnosioDownload or order What is MS?/ Beth yw MS?

Advicelink Cymru partnership 

In 2023 we set up a partnership with the Citizen’s Advice service, Advicelink Cymru. They offer support in Welsh and English on a wide range of issues including benefits, housing and employment.  

How to contact Advicelink Cymru

Our MS Helpline can refer you to Advicelink Cymru. Or you can call direct on 0800 702 2020. If you’re Deaf or hard of hearing, the Relay UK number is 18001 then 08082 505 720.  

Community Connections project

This project helps people living with and affected by MS across Wales and the Southwest of England (Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Bristol, Gloucestershire, and Wiltshire). It’s here to help you navigate local services, support, activities and resources to help you live well with MS.

Find out more about Community Connections

Online - Living Well events 

Our Living Well virtual events provide peer support sessions, information webinars and conversation café groups each month.

Community development officers

Our Community Development Officers in Wales work directly with the MS community to organise and deliver a wide range of well-being events online and face-to-face that are free and accessible to everyone.

Find upcoming activities in Wales listed on our website 

We also advertise activities on the MS Society Cymru Faceboook page.

Find out more by emailing us at [email protected]

Local MS Society groups

Thirteen local MS Society groups run by volunteers provide a range of support in Wales including:

  • peer support
  • social events
  • exercise classes
  • financial assistance (grants)

Find your local MS Society group