Help for carers in Wales
If you help look after someone with MS, your local council has to consider the support you need. That’s your legal right as a carer in Wales.
If they know about your caring role, your council has to provide:
- information and good advice around your caring role
- a carer’s needs assessment
Am I a carer?
In Wales, the law since April 2016 says that you’re considered a carer if you’re “a person who provides or intends to provide care for an adult or disabled child”.
You no longer have to provide “a substantial amount of care on a regular basis”. That was the wording before the law changed.
So if it’s been some years since you looked for support, it might be worth asking again, even if your own circumstances haven’t changed.
Find out more about the support choices available in Wales on the Dewis Cymru website
Find out more about a carer’s assessment from Carers Wales (part of Carers UK)