We want to make our information accurate, reliable and accessible to everyone. Find out how we’re doing it.
Our quality of information policy page shows the ways we source, produce and cover the cost of our information. We do this to help you:
- live life to the fullest
- work with your care professionals to make informed decisions about your health
How to access our information
We want to make our information accessible to everyone. So it’s free of charge on our website and in print.
Our resources are also available at our events, through our local groups and at Information Points in places like hospitals.
You can call us on 0300 500 8084 or email [email protected] for:
- booklets in large print
- the list of references we use for our information resources
printed information if someone can’t get online.
How we make sure our information is high-quality
We work with people affected by MS and other experts to create our information. We do this to make sure it covers what readers want, and is clear and accurate.
Here are the three steps information goes through before it’s published:
- Our information officers write the content based on the latest research and community insights
- People with MS and at least one clinician with relevant qualifications reviews the information
- Our editors bring together all the feedback and check back with our experts before publishing the end product.
We use the latest published evidence to make sure our information is up to date.
Email us to get involved in reviewing our information
The standards we meet
We aim to make our information as accurate, reliable and accessible as possible. Find out how we're meeting standards and our plans for the future.
Patient Information Forum (PiF Tick)
The PiF Tick is a quality mark run by the Patient Information Forum, a network of over 300 UK organisations producing information for the public. This information can be digital or printed and cover health, social care or welfare benefits. The MS Society has been a member since 2022. For many years before this, we were a member of a similar scheme run by the NHS that's no longer running.
Information showing the PiF Tick logo has been through a robust process to make sure it’s trustworthy, reliable and based on evidence. It’s also been made with the help of experts and people with MS.
We make sure the information is easy to understand and use, and we invite feedback on it from the public. We also measure the impact of the information on people who use it. And we update each piece of information every three years (sometimes sooner for fast-changing topics). From mid-2022 you’ll start seeing the PiF Tick logo on information that's been through this quality mark process.
Read more about the PIF Tick on the PIF website
We do our best to make sure the information we produce is correct. We don't accept liability for any errors or omissions. And policy and practice may change. Seek advice from the sources listed below.
Find the sources we use
Our information reflects available published research.
To find out about the research papers we’ve used for a piece of information, email our shop. Or you can call us on0300 500 8084.
The main numbers we use about how many people have MS come from The Health Improvement Network (THIN) Database (a Cegedim proprietary database). That uses data provided by patients and collected by the NHS as part of their care and support.
Get involved in the information we produce
Do you have ideas about our information or the information you want us to provide? You don’t need to be an expert in health care, or a scientist (though we don’t mind if you are!) We want your thoughts and opinions.
Send us your feedback or ideas
We're always looking for volunteers to review our information. And to help us plan and create new information, and improve the information already available.
We want to represent as many different experiences as possible. If you’d like to help shape our information, get in touch and we can tell you more.
Covering the cost
Our information is available free of charge.
If you'd like to help cover the cost and support our work to stop MS, you can donate online. Or you can call us on 0300 500 8084.