Information resources (booklet)
The latest list of our free printed information resources for people living with MS. Includes details of how to order if you live with MS or you're a care professional.
Download our information resources booklet for a list of our printed guides, covering:
- about MS
- managing MS symptoms
- treatments and therapies
- living with MS
- families, friends and carers
- work and money
It also has details of how you can stay in touch with the latest information, including:
- MS Matters magazine
- Experts in MS: Professional network
- MS Helpline services
This booklet is available to download and print or you can order copies from the MS Society online shop. You can find more information about care and support available to people affected by MS on our webpages.
Help cover the cost
All our information is free of charge. But if you'd like to help cover the cost, and support our work to stop MS, we'd be very grateful.