Use your influence to stop MS

MS research is ready and so are we. Will you use your clout to help stop MS?

We’re in the best place we’ve ever been to find life-changing treatments for everyone with MS. By 2025, we want to be in the final stages of testing treatments for everyone with MS.

But we can only do it together. Will you join #TeamStopMS and help spread the word?

Could you:

  • paint your social media in Stop MS Appeal colours?
  • donate time, money, energy?
  • come up with all the amazing things we haven’t thought of?

#TeamStopMS is for anyone and everyone. Because only together, will we stop MS.


Can't stop thinking about tomorrow?

Tell us what an end to MS would mean to you, and share it on your social channels.

You can do a video, a selfie post, or something completely different - it's up to you!