Proud Pride
It’s that time of the year… HAPPY PRIDE MONTH. When I think about it, every month is pride month for me.
I walk with my head high everyday and everywhere I go. If it makes some people feel uncomfortable about the fact that I wear my pride on my sleeve and loud enough for all to hear, then that’s their problem.
I always knew my story would be different
From a young age, around 9 or so I always knew that I was different from the “norm” approach that was taught in schools. The story of man meets woman, they fall in love, get married, have children and so on was never really how I envision MY life.
For me it was JJ meets a woman, falls in love, gets married and starts a family. It’s a shame that at that time those representations were never discussed. Almost as if it was a taboo subject.
Coming out to family
I eventually came out to my friends at the age of 14/15 and my family at the age of 17. Coming out to friends was easy but the family part felt like the biggest struggle.
When I think back to that day I don’t even know why I stressed so much. They all already knew but were just waiting for me to announce it. “As long as you’re happy, safe and meet someone who respects and loves you just as much as you love them. Then it’s perfectly acceptable” they said. And from that day I no longer hid away from the topic with my family.
Coming out with MS to new partners
Meeting a new partner can sometimes feel like coming out all over again. Discussing my MS can feel like a struggle to tackle, especially while I’m currently using my stick to get around.
However, it’s extremely refreshing to meet someone new who’s already educated themselves about MS. and is open to learning about how it affects me. Personally I’ve always had great support from family, friends and partners.
MS is part of who I’m proud to be
Now at age of 29, I wear my MS with the same amount of PRIDE as a I do as a black lesbian. I refuse to hide who I really am.
Why live a lie? I am a strong, independent, black lesbian with MS.
Peace, LOVE and Light.
JJ xxx