MS and thinking about the future

Thu 04 May 2023


Raphael lives with relapsing remitting MS. In this blog, he talks about the uncertainty of living with MS, and his hopes for the future.

When I think about the future, what’s important to me is that I’m still able to be an active part of my family.

I know my family will be with me and support me in anything that happens. But equally, I want to make as full and active a life with them as I can.

The uncertainty of living with MS

There’s a lot of uncertainty with MS. You don’t always know how it’s progressing until you’ve had another MRI - which might be 6 months or another year down the line.

I know things might get worse, but I find it difficult to think about. Simply because I try and stay as optimistic as I can. It’s scary to think about a future in which I’m not able to control certain aspects of my body. Because it’s part of the unknown, and anything unknown can be really petrifying.

Faith and shoring up life

Everything I’m doing now, I’m doing in order to try and make the future better. I’m trying to shore life up now, be as active as I can, and do all the things that I can now. In case I become less able further down the line.

Personally, as well, I have a strong faith. And so, my reaction a lot of the time is to pray and speak to God and ask for help. As things progress, I pray that they will be manageable.

Determination to stop MS

I know that one day we can stop MS. Because I know how we’ve stopped other illnesses. As a child, I contracted polio. But nowadays, polio isn’t really something we talk about, at least in large parts of the world. It’s something we’ve managed to research and almost eradicate.

I know the eradication of certain illnesses and conditions can happen. So MS feels to me like something we can stop, with enough research and determination.

Leaving a gift in your will

Being able to completely eradicate MS from my life would be a weight off my shoulders. It would allow me to breathe a little easier, knowing that the future doesn't have that same potential to be worse than the present.

But to stop MS we need research. I need research. It’s absolutely vital.

That’s why doing something special like including a gift in your will to the MS Society, is such a blessing. Because it means research that wouldn’t otherwise be possible can be done.

Importance of attitude

I know medically my condition may get worse. But my own attitude towards it has gotten better. I’ve seen how I’ve come through challenges in the past, and where I am now.

And I’m thankful for so many people. I’m thankful for my faith. I’m thankful for my own determination in making sure conditions affecting me don’t dictate everything about my life, and my family’s. I know my attitude is a massive part of how I’m going to get through this - however long it takes.

Raphael and his family appear in our will writing Guide. You can also see him and his family in our video.