"Comparing isn't caring" – Caz's words of encouragement
Lately I’ve been thinking (“noooo”, I hear you say, me? Never!) Anyhoo, I was thinking how truly special and unique we all are. From our physicality to our personalities, our silly nuances, and even our very own laughs.
We’re so, so special in so many ways. There’s only one of us. That’s it, just one of us. I was thinking of how we really don’t take the time to think about that concept. Or really understand the fantastic-ness of it. The madness of how so many different crazy things had to all happen at exactly the same specific time for us to even be here.
And here we are indeed! So many wonderful, gorgeous, kind and beautiful people. Then I got to thinking that, yano, many people with physical impairments and mental health issues, well, we’re very hard on ourselves. I know I am.
Comparing isn’t caring
Comparing ourselves to the ‘beautiful’ people, the ‘normal’ people. People who can just ‘do’. But you know when you actually think about it, these things kind of make you even more special.
Every single day can be super hard, painful, challenging and exhausting. How much extra effort and energy you might have to put into your day and your thought processes. How much harder it can be for you to just get out of bed in the morning. To take that first painful step. Or try to battle that first painful, mentally derailing thought that wants to drag you under. Because it can be really f*****g hard.
I’m not for one minute taking away from the struggles that all people have at times. Of course not. Everyone has sh*t to deal with. Bad sh*t too.
Our fight makes us
MS is there. And you know it'll be there every other day for the rest of your life. And it might get worse. So I really think it’s about time you started looking at just how ace you really, truly actually are!
Because you’re a grafter, you’re a bit of a legend really, to be honest. You go about your life, despite your daily pain and difficulty with a smile on your face. An ear for your friends’ problems and your own desire to help make the world a better place.
A reminder for us all
So I’m writing this for all you MSers out there. And for anybody else who needs to hear they're absolutely ace and trying really hard with their current situation: you’re totally awesome.
You truly, truly are.
So please remember this when the chips are down and your MS feels like it’s winning, and you’re too tired to put up a fight. Go and put your feet up and rest and think about how bloody extra special and bloody wonderful you really are.
Tomorrow you’ll start on your battle again with renewed vigour and purpose with that knowledge in mind. You are an absolute bloody star. You may have lost a battle, but the war isn’t over.
Stay strong, you’re amazing x