Chef Tom Kerridge to present MS Society BBC Lifeline Appeal

We’re delighted the Michelin-starred chef Tom Kerridge is presenting our BBC Lifeline Appeal.

He knows about the impact multiple sclerosis can have. His dad was diagnosed with MS when he was six, and sadly died when Tom was just 18-years-old. He told us why he wanted to support our Appeal - and why others should too.

How MS affected our family

My father had MS. I’ve seen first-hand how it can not only affect the person with the condition, but send great ripples through family and friends. So I’m very happy to be part of any form of help or recognition for understanding and awareness of MS.

My dad lived with MS for over ten years and progressively it got worse. He went from using a walking stick to a wheelchair to then being bedridden. It hugely affected his ability to communicate and he was in need of constant care, eventually in a home, before he passed away in his mid-forties.

Explore questions about MS

MS is changeable. People are learning to live with it, treatments are improving and growing, but there are always up days and down days. If you know someone with it, just be supportive.

Why I support the MS Society

The MS Society works tirelessly to raise awareness and funding but also offer support and understanding for the many people whose lives are affected. The charity also tries to get a greater understanding of MS and how hopefully one day it can be stopped.

The work the MS Society does is incredibly important. Connecting with communities, allowing people to understand that they are not alone, and that many people are going through the same problems as them can make a real difference to how people feel.

Get involved in the BBC Lifeline Appeal

Please watch and share the BBC Lifeline Appeal! This condition is huge, many people are living with it daily. The support and understanding this appeal will generate of how MS affects people, the awareness it raises, will make a big difference to many lives.

Watch and support our BBC Lifeline Appeal

Watch our appeal on BBC iPlayer for the next three weeks. 

Help the appeal have the most impact by watching it and sharing our posts with friends and family. We'll be talking about it on Facebook, Instagram Twitter. Get involved!

Find out more on our BBC Lifeline Appeal page