Improving measures of treatment outcomes and cost-effectiveness in MS

About the project

Quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) is a measure used in the UK to assess the outcomes and cost-effectiveness of treatments for a variety of conditions. QALYs are commonly used for allocating healthcare resources, such as recommendations by NICE that determine which drugs should be available on the NHS. This project aims to broaden the perspective of current QALY measures to include self-reported fatigue and the wider societal impact of MS on people’s lives. For example, issues related to employment decisions, social activity and informal care. Many of these factors are currently poorly informed in existing QALY measures.

How will it help people with MS?

This research will improve the measurement of factors that impact on quality of life for people with MS. It could help the NHS to make more informed decisions around the funding of treatments for MS. This could in turn help ensure that current treatments are appropriately available and that new or future therapies are assessed in a more suitable manner for people with MS.

The difference you can make

We want all licensed treatments for MS to be available on the NHS to everyone eligible for them, but ineffective measures of treatment outcomes and cost-effectiveness can stand in the way of this.