
Aromatherapy is a complementary therapy sometimes used by people with MS. It uses essential oils from plants. 

The essential oils are applied to the skin, mixed with bath water or breathed in. It's sometimes used together with massage

Aromatherapy and MS

There hasn't been much research into the effects of aromatherapy on people with MS. Some small clinical studies suggest that aromatherapy may improve memory, anxiety, depression, pain and insomnia. But these studies are of variable quality and some of the results have been inconsistent. 

For more information on other holistic treatments, read our two-part explainer with Dr Agne Straukiene

People can usually use aromatherapy without unwanted effects. But oils might sometimes cause rashes or allergic reactions. If you're applying it directly to the skin, you could try it on a small area of skin first to see if there might be a problem. 

Aromatherapy in the UK

There are over a dozen professional organisations for aromatherapists in the UK. But an aromatherapist isn’t required to belong to any of them or have completed any specific training. 

Lots of these organisations work together as the Aromatherapy Registration Council, to develop education standards for the UK aromatherapists.

Aromatherapy practitioners who meet a set of national occupational standards can register with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council.