General election 2024

This year’s general election on Thursday 4 July is a pivotal moment for campaigning. Join us to make sure MS is on the agenda of every candidate.

How to have your say

Accessible voting in the general election

The UK General Election will be on 4 July. For some of us it might be difficult to get to a polling station on election day. So there are three ways we can vote. Voting is free and there are no charges to vote in person, by post or by proxy.

Tell the next Prime Minister: People with MS deserve better

We don't know who will be the next Prime Minister, but we do know people with MS have been waiting too long for crucial improvements to disability benefits and healthcare. 

That's why we're calling on party leaders to commit to make change for people with MS.  


Our MS manifesto

Our manifesto calls for the next UK Government to take action to transform the lives of people affected by MS. Produced together with our community, it outlines measures to improve financial security and health outcomes for people living with MS.

Our key asks:

  • Make sure people have financial security and the opportunity to succeed in work.
  • Make sure people have the support and healthcare they need to stay healthy and live well for longer.
  • Access to well-resourced health services and financial security are the foundations for people with MS to live full and independent lives.

Charlotte Nichols MP, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for MS, said: 

"The MS Society’s manifesto offers insight to MPs and prospective candidates about the policies we can advocate for in parliament to transform the lives of people living with MS."