Isle of Wight Group

Welcome to our Isle of Wight Group

We’re here to support you and your loved ones to live well with MS.

Whether you have MS, or care about someone who does, join our group to connect with other people from the community and share experiences. We don’t want anyone to face MS alone.

From information on local services to opportunities to meet others in the area and more, our group is part of a large network of MS Society groups across the UK. We hope to meet you soon!

Join our mailing list                     Volunteer with us

Local events


MS Society Grants can be awarded to improve the Health and Wellbeing of those affected by MS and can be used for home adaptations, scooters and equipment.

MS Support - Isle of Wight

Our group has MS Support Volunteers who are trained to confidentially offer emotional support, information, help to access specialist services and help to get financial support.
47 Regent Street

MSS IOW Information Stand

When Health Roadshow, normally held every other month. When another event - ad hoc dates as arranged by other organisations.
Various IOW Addresses


Friday lunch
Seaclose Park


Friday at 7pm
Camphill Community Centre