Saying balls to MS with poetry

Fri 23 June 2023

Andy Reynard

Officially I still have relapsing remitting MS, but I’ve not had a relapse for years. Yet, I continue to deteriorate. Slowly, but noticeably. 

When I look back on how far I could walk just a year ago, compared to now, the word ‘secondary’ keeps swimming round my scarred brain.

A continual progression, one that can’t be stopped by the injections of Brabio I dutifully perform three times a week, is a scary process. I’ve always looked for the humour in my situation, but I must admit that’s now becoming harder.

So, instead of the light touch I generally adopt in my writing about MS, I felt like coming up with something a little more serious. The result is this poem (I assure you my memoir, Balls to MS, is much more of a laugh).

Secondary Thoughts

Are you bored of me? 

‘Cause I’m bored of you

Who would I be now

If born fresh and new?

Lived with you too long

Lost me in the mist

Not one ailment alone

You gave me a list

Every year you push me

Closer to the wheels

When thoughts turn to chairs

My whole world it reels

The drama of relapse

Replaced by decay

Lack of drama for sure

Still, counting the days

Inadequate name

For the path laid out

Such secondary thoughts

For such fears and doubts

Roll over and cry

No longer my style

I’ll keep pushing hard

And walking that mile

Scars found in the brain

But not on the mind

Search for a new fight

A fight you may find

A battle we wage

We’ll come through the test

Staying the full course

Saying balls to MS

Read more about Andy’s story on his blog where you can also find out where to buy his memoir 'Balls to MS'.