UK heatwave: managing MS in hot weather

Monday 29 July 2024

For when the weather's hot, we’ve gathered together tips and information to help you cope with the heat if you’ve got MS.

How hot weather affects MS symptoms

We know MS symptoms can get worse for many people when they're hot. And over 60% of people with MS say they experience heat sensitivity.

Find out about the science of temperature and MS with heat and MS expert Associate Professor Davide Filingeri. He explains why heat can have an affect on MS, and what works to keep cool.

Our Temperature factsheet explains the effects temperature can have on MS and has tips on staying cool in hot weather.

Tips for keeping cool with MS

People with MS have shared with us their top tips for staying cool. You may already be using some of these, but you might find something new that’ll work for you.

Members of our community have been in the news in recent years, talking about how they find the heat, and ways to cope. Read the BBC news story on cooling solutions for people with disabilities.

And hear from Sabrina who lives with primary progressive MS talking on the BBC Access All podcast.

UK government heatwave guidance

The UK government has guidance for everyone in the extremely hot weather. If you want more local advice, take a look at national government and health service sites where you are.

Remember, if you’re worried about the heat or how you’re feeling, always contact a healthcare professional.