Does early treatment with Lemtrada or Tysabri improve prognosis for people with MS?
About the project
We now have over a dozen disease modifying therapies (DMTs) available for relapsing MS, which each have their own risks and benefits. The more aggressive treatments, like Tysabri and Lemtrada are generally more effective than other therapies, but they are also more expensive and associated with more dangerous side effects.
There is an ongoing debate about how aggressively we should treat MS. Some neurologists believe that treating early with the most aggressive DMT is the best way, whereas other believe that aggressive therapies should only be used after the less effective (and safer) DMTs have failed.
Our researchers aim to determine the long term benefits of taking an aggressive DMT early. They will measure how long it takes people on Tysabri or Lemtrada to progess compared with those taking less agressive DMTs and those who are not on any treatment.
How will it help people with MS?
This research could influence how doctors prescribe DMTs around the world and enable people with MS to make a more informed decision about treatments.
The difference you can make
The sooner someone has access to a DMT following diagnosis, the more effective it can be long term for their condition. Help us find the most effective treatment timeline by donating today and supporting research projects like this.