MS and mental health
The emotional effects of MS often go undiagnosed. This doesn't mean there aren't ways to manage them.
It's not unusual to experience depression, stress and anxiety when you have MS. Medication, talking therapies and self-help techniques can all make it easier to cope with mental health issues.
In this section
It’s not always easy to be kind to yourself when you feel your body is betraying you, but the time spent practising counselling skills helped me to look at things differently and tune into the changes I was experiencing.

Find support near you
Our local groups are starting to meet face-to-face again. We've made sure any activities can happen in a COVID-safe way. Each group will go at their own pace, and you'll still find lots happening online. From coffee mornings to online yoga classes – put in your postcode to find out what's near you.
Helpful resources
From symptoms and treatments to accessing care and support, our booklets and factsheets are packed full of information and tips on living well with MS.
You can download them from our website or order copies from our online shop.