Frequently asked questions

We’ve put together some answers to commonly asked questions about will-making and leaving a gift.

Your questions answered

The best way to make a will is through a solicitor. You can find a solicitor local to you by using the search function on the Law Society’s website:

Choose the website for the country where you live:

In England and Wales

In Scotland

In Northern Ireland

We also have will-making services that can help you make a will through a solicitor, from the comfort of your own home, online or via the telephone for free.

To leave a gift to the MS Society all you need is our address and charity numbers:

  • Address: The MS Society, 8 City North Place, London, N4 3FU
  • Charity numbers: 1139257 / SC041990

Your solicitor or will-maker will be able to advise you on the specific wording of any gift. But we also have some guidance for this.


Any gift you decided to leave to charity in your will, is received free of IHT. And, at present, if your estate is above the Inheritance Tax (IHT) threshold and you leave at least 10% of the taxable proportion of your estate to charity, your overall IHT liability is reduced from 40% to 36%.

We recommend you discuss all matters relating to IHT with your solicitor or will-maker. If you’re interested in finding out more, the Money Advice Service have a helpful guide.


Yes, absolutely. Many supporters choose to leave gifts specifically to support either particular areas of our work (like MS research) or to their local MS Society group.

If this is something you’re thinking about, please get in touch for a chat so that we can help make sure your gift is worded correctly. Read more about how to leave a gift in your will


Stopping MS would mean certainty over a large part of mine and my family’s future. It would take a huge weight off my mind.
Raphael, who lives with MS

Legacy gifts make up over a third of our income and are vitally important to our continued work.

  • Any gift left to the MS Society will help fund vital research to stop MS.
  • It will enable is to offer information to help those with MS better understand their diagnosis
  • and ensure our helpline and support services continue so that no one has to face MS alone.

Find out more about our work, and how it’s funded, in our most recent Annual Report.

Yes. You can donate your brain and spinal cord to The MS Society Tissue Bank. This is a vital resource, with donated tissue helping scientists around the world advance our understanding of MS.

To find out more and to register as a donor, please visit the website for the MS Society Tissue bank.

Thank you for your work in administering a gift that has been left to the MS Society. Please get in touch with Jo, our Legacy Case Manager at [email protected]

Or you can find more information on our page for executors.