Sign our petition to scrap the 20 metre rule in Scotland

Fri 05 March 2021

In Scotland, disability benefits are changing.

Adult Disability Payment (ADP) will replace Personal Independence Payment (PIP). The Scottish Government is holding a consultation on the proposed changes.

But the government hasn't changed the 20 metre rule.

Sign our petition to scrap the 20-metre rule

Why we’ve launched our petition

The Scottish Government are using the same rules and eligibility criteria for ADP as PIP. The 20 metre rule means if you can walk one step over 20 metres you won’t qualify for the higher rate of mobility support.

Under PIP, the 20 metre rule has failed people living with MS. As a result many people have lost vital financial support and their independence.

We’ve been speaking about the proposed changes with many people living with MS in Scotland. You’ve told us some of them are positive. But you’re disappointed criteria like the 20 metre rule aren’t changing.

The Scottish Government says it wants to see dignity, fairness and respect at the heart of the new system. But people with MS have told us keeping the 20 metre rule fails to uphold these values.

“How far can you go if you walk 20 metres? It would not take me beyond my garden gate. It would not take me near a bus stop. It would not take me to the nearest shop... I want to keep what little independence I have for as long as I can. Without access to the higher level [of mobility support], I cannot get mobility allowance which would allow me to be more mobile.”
Person living with MS

Sign our petition today

We’re calling for the Scottish Government to scrap the 20 metre rule. Or come up with an alternative form of support for people with mobility needs.

Sign our petition to scrap the 20-metre rule

These changes will only affect people in Scotland. But we want goverments across the UK to scrap the 20 metre rule.

If we can change the rule in Scotland, it will spread the message across the UK too. You don’t have to live in Scotland to sign the petition.

You have until 17 March to sign.

Sign our petition today

Thank you for your support.