Why it's important to celebrate your achievements

Thu 22 September 2022

MS can make everyday tasks like showering or tying your shoelaces feel impossible. Shana tells us how tricky these days can be and how she makes sure she celebrates her wins. 

I finally managed to shower at 5pm today after my fourth attempt. I’ve been trying to shower since the early hours of this morning. 

I had a zoom meeting at 11am. So l did my hair and makeup, put a smart jumper over my nightie and looked presentable enough from the waist up. The online meeting lasted 30 minutes. Then I went back to sleep to try and recharge before the next showering attempt. 

Eventually, l managed it. 

No two days are the same

I have days when showering is an entirely unremarkable and fairly quick task. And then I have days like today where I need a great deal of help from my personal assistant (carer) and it’s utterly exhausting...

So once I’d showered and was safely back in my bedroom, I proudly announced on Facebook and Twitter:

“I'VE SHOWERED. (This is worthy of a post. It has been very hard today and is an achievement of which l am proud. And l no longer suspect l smell, which is a very good thing!)”

I don't use public social media that often. So I was very surprised when l suddenly started getting hundreds of lovely messages from all around the world.

The power of social media

I received messages of solidarity, lots of showering tips and some messages telling me about showering mishaps! And I got many 'likes' and comments from people who just totally understood. I thought I’d share some with you.

“I absolutely get this... sometimes it is such an effort!! Well done x”

I also had some really touching messages of appreciation for sharing a glimpse into everyday life with MS. Most of my posts on social media are about gardening, football or sharing photos of family.

But sometimes I use it as a way to give friends, family and my wider network an insight into my daily life. l can't really expect people to understand what my life is like unless l actually tell them.

Read more about talking about MS

“So few realise just how difficult for you are the things we take for granted as able bodied people. Stay strong!”

My Facebook status and tweet were just a random sharing of a moment, but it struck a chord with so many people. I guess it captured how small aspects of regular life, such as just being clean, can be a huge struggle and massive achievement for many of us. 

“Just to say you've inspired me to have a shower this eve”

It also made me think about how important it is to be proud of ourselves for our achievements. Sometimes I’m proud of myself for trying to do something difficult like getting my shoes on, even if l don't actually manage it! And I think this is summed up by a meme a lovely chap in Australia tweeted me.

The image reads "We MSers celebrate the little things."

So very true!

I'm shattered after showering. I’ll have to miss choir tonight because I just need to rest and sleep. I’m too tired to get dressed and it’d probably be inappropriate to go to choir in a dressing gown and slippers!

So I'm off to bed. But I'll leave you with the lovely and very wise message I got from a lady in Quebec, Canada:

“Anything we get to do on a bad day is an amazing victory. Good job!"