MS Must Stop: Roxy and Amy tell us why they got involved

Thu 22 September 2022

MS Must Stop is a new supporter-led campaign by Sara Weller from our Stop MS Appeal Board. Roxy is a podcaster, MS advocate, fashionista and regular contributor to our blog. And Amy is the co-founder of the MS Together support group. They tell us why they took part in MS Must Stop and how it felt seeing it go live.

The overall aim of MS Must Stop is to raise money to fund vital research for breakthrough MS treatments. And we’re honoured to have been chosen as the beneficiary, meaning any money raised will be donated to our Stop MS Appeal

Getting involved in the MS Must Stop appeal

Roxy: I got involved in the MS Must Stop appeal when I was asked by MS Together founder, Amy Thompson, to be a part of the magic. I said "yes" because who doesn’t want to stop MS? I absolutely loved the idea behind the campaign, the art direction, inclusivity and diverse representation in it.

Visit the MS Together website

So being part of something so beautifully created, that really reflects the thoughts, feelings and needs of the community, meant a lot. Especially coming from someone who's had MS for 16 years. A campaign like this can change the future of MS and I wanted to be a part of that future.

Amy: I was approached by the team at Adam and Eve who shared the campaign idea with me. They wanted to get my feedback and thoughts on how we could motivate the community to support the campaign.

I met with them and was so impressed by the ideas and concept. And I was instantly excited to be involved. I was then tasked with finding some influencers who'd be willing to get involved. And so I started reaching out to my networks in the MS community.

Watch the MS Must Stop campaign video on YouTube

Seeing the film on the BT Tower

Roxy: It was heartwarming to see real visibility being created to help stop MS on one of the most iconic central London landmarks. We've had a great response so far. But we still have a long way to go to reach our goal. 

Amy: Seeing the videos come together was brilliant and I think they’re such inspiring, special videos. It was amazing seeing it all come to life and so great that it appeared on the BT Tower.

The team has worked so hard on this campaign and it’s something I’m truly proud to be a part of. It’s been a slow start but I’m hoping that the more we talk about it, the more people will get involved!

A look to the future

Roxy: I’d love to see more people get behind the campaign. This'll create further visibility so we can reach our goal and stop MS for good. MS treatments have come so far in the last few years. We're closer than ever to creating treatments that could halt its progression.

Amy: I'd love to see the MS community get behind this campaign. It’s so easy to get involved. Whether you do it yourself, or in a group with friends, you can help show our determination to stop MS. We need to get the message out there to as many people as we can.

Whether you’re a member of the MS community, a family member or friend of someone living with MS. Or just someone who wants to show your support, please get involved and encourage others to do the same.

You'll be helping bring awareness to the lived reality of MS. And you'll also be helping us raise vital funds for research into breakthrough treatments.

How can I support MS Must Stop?

You can follow and support MS Must Stop through their Instagram page. We’ll also be sharing the video across our social media channels.

Follow MS Must Stop on Instagram