Dr. Sophie Quick

Dr. Sophie Quick used to be our Research Communications Officer.

She did her PhD and postdoc in neuroscience at the University of Edinburgh with Professor Anna Williams.

Blogs by Dr. Sophie Quick

Research Round-up 2023

This year marked our anniversary. Find out what happened in 2023 in the world of MS research.

When psychological support is personal and professional

PhD student Hannah Morris-Bankole and psychologist Dr Laura Allen both live with relapsing remitting MS. They met for the first time and discussed how different therapy styles could be beneficial for people with MS at different times.

Under the microscope: repurposing drugs for MS

Many trials for people with MS are testing repurposed drugs. This means finding a new use for existing medicines. But how can one drug treat multiple conditions? And if a drug has been tested before, why would we test it again?

Behind the headlines: could modifying immune cells treat MS?

Recently, a therapy which reprograms your immune cells was used to treat a small group of people with the condition lupus. MS is similar to lupus because they both involve the immune system attacking the body. So could the findings help people with MS?