Abseiling for charity

Put your nerves to the test with an abseiling event.

Abseil to help stop MS

Abseiling is a great way to challenge yourself and raise funds for vital research. Take control of the ropes and help us to stop MS.

Abseil Aberdeen

25 May 2024  Aberdeen, Scotland 

Brand new for 2024! Join us for our first ever Aberdeen Abseil event - abseiling 131ft off the summit of the iconic Northern Lights Tower!

Registration Fee - £20

Minimum Sponsorship - £150 per person

Sign up to abseil Aberdeen

Don't live in  Scotland?

Discover how you can take on an abseil in other parts of the UK below.

Find an abseil event near you

You can abseil in a range of other UK locations, all year round. Once you've signed up, complete our online form to order your welcome pack and set up your online fundraising page.

Find an abseil near you on the 8.2 website