Strength Training and Rehabilitation Sessions (STaRS)

MS STaRS - Strength Training and Rehabilitation Sessions

Run by Trish Sampson HCPC, a registered physiotherapist

This 12-week programme is designed to help improve strength, balance, fatigue and the impact of MS on daily life. There are 3 programmes a year.

There will be two groups of

Group A - individuals walking independently with or without 1 stick

Group B - individuals requiring 2 sticks or a rollator to walk

The group sessions will last one hour and consist of key exercises, performed according to your ability.

For further information and to take part please book by contacting Trish on 07740050225 or [email protected]

The cost of the first 12 weeks is fully covered from the Southampton and District Group funds. The 1st course is £50 to mainly SO postcodes, Trish will advise you if you are included. Thereafter the course costs participants £100.