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Noor Jawad


Noor is a blogger with relapsing MS, she was diagnosed in December 2014.

I’m feeling positive about more flexible working

Home working felt like a relief at times and at other times felt lonely and never-ending.

At this point in time, I can sense the mixed feelings about everything re-opening, masks coming off and that potential return to the office.

MS during Ramadan

Ramadan. The month of mercy as it is known amongst Muslims. It is a time for reflection, a time to reconnect with yourself, a time to be with friends and family and to give in charity.

How CBT helps me manage pain and low mood

Depression and low mood more generally are not uncommon in people with MS and pain certainly can play into this, making us feel worse. But there are ways we can manage low mood to minimise the impact it has on pain that are easy to incorporate in our day to day lives.

My tips for dealing with 'Dr Google'

Let’s admit it, we’ve all done it - an itch or tingle appears and we jump straight to the keyboard to check if others have felt this. What does it mean? Am I normal?